How do we protect our Sons and Daughters from being affected by dangerous ideologies, like the ideologies of the Khawaarij, especially with all the various modern means of distractions nowadays?
Alhamdulillah, this is a tremendous question! An extremely tremendous question!. This is because the father is a guardian and He is responsible for His family.
There is no slave that ‘Allah places in charge of his family, and dies while he Is misleading his family, except that Allah has prohibited for him Paradise. So it’s obligatory for the guardian to strive and advise his family and from the greatest of advice is that he strives in giving them a righteous upbringing and to distance them from deviated ideologies that oppose the Sunnah of the messenger of Allah, like the ideology of the Khawaarij that has spread in these recent times.
The Khawaarij, O brothers, is a deviant sect. its first seed began during the time of the Messenger of Allah Rom a man who interacted with the Messenger of Allah in a way other than the way his companions would interact with him with.(May Allah be pleased with them). And he is Dhu al-Khuwaysarah, the one who said the Prophet “Be just!”
Afterwards, the Khawaarij appeared during the time of ‘Uthmaan’ (May Allah be pleased with Him). And they first came out from the land of Kinaanah, from Egypt. They incited (the people ) against ‘Uthmaan (May Allaah be pleased with him); ‘Uthmaan, the one who the angels were shy from and the one who the Prophet was shy from.
The Prophet said regarding him, “Uthmaan shall not be harmed by anything after today.”
They incited (the people) against him, and they lied upon him, and they provoked the messes against him, until the affair reached its height with his killing in his home after days of laying siege (May Allah be pleased with him).
One of them came and stabbed him nine times in his stomach
with his sword. He said. “ As for three,
it was for Allah. As for six, then it was for what ihad in my heart against him!”
Then they came out and went against ‘Ali(May Allah be pleased with him). And they come out in different eras. Every time a generation of them appears it is cut off. And they will come out during the end of times until they come out with the Dajjaal and their characteristics are one. They share their characteristics.
In these days they have deceitful ways in reaching the thinking of the youth! Rather they start with the youth.
I say that it is obligatory on the father, firstly, is that he is smart and foresighted. So if he sees the signs, then let his be aware.
And from these signs is that they (Khawaarij) are diligent in filling their (Youths) hearts with hatred towards the rules of the country. So if you find your son starting to speak about this affair and statements come from him here and there, then know he Is on theis path (of the Khawaarij), and that there are Shayaatin of men that have gained authority over him. And from these signs is that they are diligent in filling their hearts with hatred for the scholars.
And they say, “Those scholars are the scholars of the rulers. They please them so that they satisfy them. Scholars of the air conditioners, scholars of the books of old, scholars who are the donkey tail of the rulers.” Or they say to him, “Verily you don’t have an understanding of those scholars.”
So if the father finds that his son has an aversion towards the scholars, then know that there is something wring, so let him be careful. And from these signs is that they are diligent in filling their hearts against the society. If you find this in a youth, then know that there is trouble and that there is something he is concealing. And from the signs, and this is very important to keep an eye out in the homes, and that is that they are diligent in separating the Youth from their elders, from their parents, from their paternal and maternal uncles, the ones old in age. This is because they know that the elders, even thought they are not educated (in religion), the duniya taught them wisdom! They (elders) are a barriear between them and between them falling into their plots. So they try to make thme hate or separate from their parents! So if the father notices his son separating form him or his motherl he comes from outside and goes to his room, if you give Salam , he gives salam, if not, he goes in.
There’s a separation that wasn’t there before, then know that there is some trouble.
And this is from experience and engagement. We found that these four characteristics are undoubtedly found in the path attempted to catch the youth. So it’s obligatory on the father to be careful and take heed.
Also, O brothers, it’s oblitgatorey on the father to pay attention to the websites his son goes in. By Allah brothers, I work in advising detainees because of the deviation in ideologies for ten years since it was first created in the kingdom(of Saudi arabia). I found that many of the youth fall into this deviation because their curiosity led them to enter these corrupt websites or it was named with something that appeared to be good; ‘Jihad in the way of Allah. So they enters because of their curiosity or wanting to know and they find there ‘experts’ in dealing with those that enter into these websites until they are drawn into their ideology!
So it’s obligatory on the father, in a manner that is good, to know what websites this son enters. And this is of paramount importance. So it’s obligatory on the father to not push his some into these kinds of ideologies. Some of the people when they inter the home they lock the door, start cursing the country and start cursing the rules. They do this and do that, and they forfeit our rights, and they do…. ‘and the youth listens…
Then one comes and says, ‘ the way of being free from this oppression is such and such. ‘So he is preparing him to fall in their clutches.
From the important matters that is obligatory on the father to be diligent in, is to keep his son close t the righteous who are known for their correct Slalafi Aqidah and methodology!
By Allah, there is no misery for the muslims except it is because of his distance from the methodology of the Salaf. The methodologry of the Salaf contains purity. There is safety. In it is the establishment of worship! So it is upon him to keep his son close to the circles of good the ones that are known by their pure salafi methodology, so that they are raised upon this sound path and upright understanding and to not let his son accompany whomever he wants.
In the past O brothers, the people recognized their campany they were either corrupt or good. Either it was clear that the person was from the people of disobedience or it was clear that the person was from the people of relifiosity.
However, nowadays there are people who wear the garments of religiosity and they have signs of the people who are religious. Their speech is the speech of the religious. However for their ideology is devited
So it’s a must to be careful! And that you choose for your son his company, and from the company is wat is in relation to circles of Qur’an memorization, being diligent upon being with the people of good, the ones that are known for good so that it will be a protection for the son from deviation.
By Allah O brothers, while advising detainees, we hear about things that shatter the hearts!, because of the negligence of the parents towards their children! From which makes them prey for the people of deviant ideologies! Then when the axe hits the head, they start blaming the country.
The foundation is in the upbringing. The foundation is being diligen. The foundation is that you were negligent in regards to yur children! Until whatever happened came about as a result of it.
So these are some points that is obligatory on the father and likwese the mother, her attention, especially in these times where3 the callers with the ideology of the Khawarij have increased!
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